Start. As a perfectionist I tend to procrastinate in fear that I won’t do things perfectly. This year my only goal is to start.

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YES! I get in my own way all the time. Here's to starting, Cheryl!

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Octavia Butler said “All good things must begin.” And I think that perfectly captures your word! Best of luck to you this year.

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My word is "ease." Last year was a banner one for my career, and a not-so-banner one for my health. Ease for me means applying a filter of "does this feel good?" AND "is this good for me?" on the little things as well as the big to free up my head and heart to settle into the next chapter - whatever it may be!

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Such a good word, Hitha! All for anything that frees us up.

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Love that as a filter! Also 👋🏻 Hitha!

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My word is "wellness." I turned 38 in September, and I want to focus on myself in all aspects. So a lot of my "resolutions" are meant to prioritize wellness- reading more, working on my strength and flexibility, cleaning out frequently used spaces, etc. Life is a gift, and I want to cherish it.

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My word is PRESENT.

Be more present in my life. Be more present with my children. Putting down the phone and soaking up the moments.

Just soaking up and enjoying the good and bad of my life. Especially my life with my kids. Have more dance parties, more random fun, get muddy and messy with the kids and not think about the things I have to get done. More of that. More of reading and things that ground me in the present. For the present is now.

More of in the moment. More present with what I want now. Not preoccupied with what I think I want or need. Present with my present situation. Present with how I can make real changes and progressions. Present with my husband. Present in our conversations and fleeting moments we have when the kids are sleeping. Present in my own thoughts and feelings.


That is my word for 2023.

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My word for this year is “break.” I want to break out of my cycles of unhelpful habits and thoughts and also to remember to take more breaks in my day. I spent the past 1.5 years exclusively pumping for my daughter with Down syndrome and I miss the time I took each day to sit down to do that. So I am incorporating that into my routine on days when I am home with her.

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My word is RISE. I have officially taken ownership of the family business as of Jan. 1, and I feel a great urgency to rise to meet these new challenges. I have big plans, but they will require big self-discipline and big bravery. I'll figure out the "balance" part of life later. :)

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RISE! What a great one, Alicia! Best of luck to you ✨

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My word is CREATE! The past year and a half, I’ve really let work take over and neglected my creative tendencies so I’m choosing to embrace the spirit of creating in all/any shapes and forms it comes in this year 🎉✨

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Discipline! And I don’t mean scary, rigid discipline. I mean the type of discipline that is cultivated through promises I keep to myself. I have a few big goals this year and it’s going to take discipline. I’m not very accountable with myself and give up easily on my personal goals. The discipline I crave is going to make me stronger and remind me I’m worthy of good things, hard things, big things…if I just stay the course.

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I hear you, Nancy! And appreciate this sentiment.

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EMBRACE. After feeling like so much was out of my control and life was chaotic for the past few years, I am trying to reset and reframe. Tricky as a perfectionist. 2023 has started out with really big changes for my family and I have to learn to let go of so much control. So, instead of trying to fight the chaos and change, I want to embrace it. Revel in it. Feel uncomfortable. Grow in ways I have previously resisted. Know there’s something great on the other side. But also, to remember to live in those small joys and moments that might otherwise go unnoticed! I want to embrace it all. Cheers to embracing 2023!

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I don’t typically pick a word but felt the need to this year. My word is STRONG. I will strive to become physically stronger as well as verbally stronger. I want my voice to be heard. I also chose to make a vision board with things I would like to focus on this year and STRONG is smack in the middle of my board. I placed my vision board on the Lock Screen of my phone. Such a great place as I see it many times a day and am reminded of my goals.

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My word is GROWTH. Growth in my mindfulness, finances, career, and my family (quite literally - baby girl due this summer). I feel like 2022 was all about maintenance mode for me, whether as a mom or at work. But after a year of maintaining what I could, I now want to grow in a handful of areas. Scary for me, but I feel determined!

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Sending you excitement for the little one on the way!

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My word is Intentional. To be more intentional with my time, my space, my energy, my heart, my work, my friends and family.

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Same, Vanessa! I find it most rewarding when I am intentional about something.

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I loved the reel with a screenshot! I landed on the word "Recognize,'" which I am sitting with because I think I really like it and I just want to think about how I can use it throughout this coming year. Several years ago, I actually did three words for the year, and I really liked that method because it allowed me to be introspective, directed and also really relaxed about it! I settled on 1) sunscreen (pretty direct); 2) volunteer (my time, my energy, my money, my stuff); and 3) create (a big goal for me as someone who likes to write, but mainly has written press releases and speeches, and not so much in the creative writing realm).

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Mine is GOOD, actually partly inspired by your posts. One of the questions I’d like to explore this year is “What is good enough?” So, thanks!

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I’m so glad to hear this! Carrying “good enough” with me always.

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Manifest is my 2023 word. Manifest happiness, manifest feel good memories, manifest the best of life and all I can give it.

I’ve been picking words for a new year for a while and really enjoy it. My 2020 word, however, was balance… that one didn’t work out so well … 😬

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My word is PRIORITIZE. Thinking of the quote “things that matter most should never be at the mercy of things that matter least”. Learning to recognize what deserves more attention and what deserves less. Carving out specific times in my day for things that matter the most to me. Happy New Year!

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